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The Equine-X Horse Supplement Marketing Pledge


At Equine-X, we appreciate that navigating the equine feed industry and the variety of feed materials (i.e., horse supplements / equine supplements) can be challenging for you.

We understand there are mixed messages and opinions for you to process when it comes to supplements for horses.

Sometimes you hear from one company that what another company is doing is wrong, or about what other companies are not doing.

We are not seeking to comment on or control what other feed companies do or don’t do.

Equine-X is a registered feed company and we respect our industry.

What we can and will control though, is what we at Equine-X are doing and saying.

As such, our aim at Equine-X is to ELEVATE EXPECTATIONS and to be LEADERS OF BEST PRACTICE in the equine supplement industry and beyond.

Therefore, we are sharing our marketing pledge with you so you know what to expect from us when we communicate with you. This includes:

  • What we say about our products (claims)
  • The composition of our products (ingredients)
  • The formulation foundation (scientific knowledge)
  • Feeding guidelines (daily feed rates)
  • Fillers, carriers, or bulking agents (excipients)
  • What we say publicly and directly (information)
Poster showing equine-x marketing pledge to customers - integrity approach to horse supplements
The Equine-X Marketing Pledge


We have no interest in making outrageous, unsubstantiated claims. Nor do we want to provide any misleading information.

Therefore, the claims we make about our products (horse feed materials / horse supplements) will be:

  • In line with industry regulations.
  • Backed up by scientific and/or research material.


The composition of our horse supplement products will provide good quality ingredients at meaningful levels. Therefore, we will prioritize the effectiveness of available ingredients over cost.

The ingredients used will be displayed in reasonable measurement of units. For example, milligrams (mg) will be used where sensible to do so over micrograms (ug) for example, unless ug is the most appropriate unit to use of course. In other words, a common sense approach will be taken.

We will also pay attention to the bioavailability of ingredients, as this relates to how absorbable they are by the body.

Our product blending process is carried out using a small batch approach, so what we say on the label is in the tub, is what is in the tub!



The foundation of our equine supplement formulations is based on scientific knowledge. When we represent this information to you, we will do so with integrity.

We commit to this scientific knowledge guiding our horse product development.



Believe it or not, there is no legal requirement to clearly indicate what is provided by way of active ingredients in a daily feed rate. This may be perceived as an advantage to a company, when their product levels are low.

However, we commit to being transparent with you with these details. In fact, we are proud of this information as the levels are so good!



Excipients are the proper term for fillers, carriers or bulking agents. This may make them sound like they are a bad thing but that is not actually the case.

In fact, excipients have an important role to play for supplements for horses and other species too. For example, they can be essential in helping with convenience of feeding, balancing ratios, shelf-life and safety.

With this in mind, we will:

  • Only include them if necessary to do so.
  • Not use their absence as a marketing statement, as that is not a fair representation of the role they can play when used appropriately.



Any claims we make about our products will be the same in a direct setting as they would be publicly. This means you can expect consistent messaging and no hidden agendas.

Furthermore, we will only share honest before and after photos. In other words, not photo-edited, clearly of the same horse and also from a matching angle.



We trust this Marketing Pledge relays that doing the right thing is important to us.

And that your peace of mind for your horse and your confidence in Equine-X matters to us.



Our flagship horse supplement, CONNEXION, upholds this marketing pledge to bring you nutritional support for horses connective tissues.

Examples of connective tissues are tendons, ligaments, bone, and cartilage.



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